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The mission of the International Pelvic Pain Society (IPPS) is to educate healthcare professionals serving patients with pelvic pain, raise public awareness and offer hope to the 200 million men and women worldwide who suffer from chronic pelvic pain conditions. IPPS strives to optimize diagnosis, evaluation and management of patients suffering from chronic pelvic pain. We encourage you to support this not-for-profit organization. IPPS is having an on-line auction from October 11-25th. Please mark your calendars and visit www.biddingforgood.com/IPPS. Please note: the site will not be active until the actual start date on the 11th.

There are several educational opportunities and fun items (jewelry, gift cards, Apple, Starbucks…, 2nd row tickets to Stanley Cup Champions Chicago Blackhawks game, travel).

Your support of the IPPS allows invaluable educational programs that work for the betterment of the diagnosis and treatment of those with chronic pelvic pain. Contributions to the IPPS are tax-deductible by donors as provided in section 170 of the IRS code.

To learn more about chronic pelvic pain, IPPS and their annual conference, go to www.pelvicpain.org. This years meeting is being held October 17-20th in Orlando, Florida. Thank you so much for your support!

Amy Stein is a Board Member of IPPS. Here is a photo of her with colleagues Stephanie Prendergast and Lorimer Mosley at last year’s conference!

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International Pelvic Pain Society

2013 IPPS Online Auction

October 11, 2013

8:00 A.M. ET

The IPPS2013 Auction opens for bidding on October 11, 2013 at 8:00 A.M. ET. Our goal this year is to raise $15K to support IPPS. We need your support! This is an exciting and fun way to help us, and at the same time have a chance to win several great items!

Bid on several pelvic pain items, instructional tools, and

other exciting auction items, including:

Vaginismus.com Treatment Combo (“tool kit”)

How about a Vacation in Dardanelle and Istanbul Turkey?

Perhaps a boating trip on the Chesapeake?

Maybe you prefer an autographed football from the University of Alabama?

Take a look at the items to preview as the auction date approaches. Check back often to see what’s new. Place a ‘Watch’ on your favorites to know as soon as bidding begins!

To register and bid:
www.biddingforgood.com. Click the “Register” link in the upper right corner of any auction page. You will need to give a credit card to hold the bidding items. Your card will be charged if you are the highest bidder and the item will be sent to you. Once you have completed the registration, enter your username and password in the upper right corner and click the “sign in” button. Bidding is available October 11-25th at www.biddingforgood.com/IPPS. All funds will be donated to IPPS, which is a not for profit organization (minus Bidding for Good’s 10% operational fees).
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