We Go Above and Beyond the Basics
Endo Awareness Month: Understanding Endo
Amy Stein and Fiona McMahon March Is Endometriosis Awareness Month. Treating endometriosis and improving the lives of...
Yoga for Chronic Pelvic Pain
Patients with chronic pelvic pain (CPP) often ask, “Is there anything else I can do?”
Pelvic Floor Myth Busters! Does Holding in Your Pee Cause UTI’s?
Fiona McMahon PT, DPT (Pronouns: She, Her, Hers) Photo by Pixabay on I love the TV show Mythbusters, I have...
What is Myofascial Release and Why do We Always Talk About it So Much?!
Fiona McMahon PT, DPT If you follow anything in the physical therapy world, you probably have heard about myofascial...
Pelvic Floor Mythbusters: Is kegeling the one true way to a healthy pelvic floor?
Fiona McMahon PT, DPT. Is kegeling the one true way to a healthy pelvic floor? Not always. We can end the blog here....
Why Do I Still Look Pregnant?
Most physical therapists are trained to recognize and treat the musculoskeletal components of diastasis recti. We know to release the tight structures that are preventing the full closure of the abs, we correct alignment to reduce pull, we use sports tape to encourage the abs to activate, and we strengthen our patients’ core. It usually works wonderfully, but what if it could work better?
BBPT Health Tip: HOT or COLD? That is the Question
Fiona McMahon, DPT. Photo by Pixabay on What’s better, heat or ice? This is a question that most...
Why Do I Still Look Pregnant: Part II
Fiona McMahon, DPT Photo by mikoto.raw on Diastasis recti (DR) can be the bane of many who are trying to...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Ins and Outs of Colon Health
Fiona McMahon PT, DPT Photo by Polina Zimmerman on So what's IBS? IBS is a condition affecting the large...