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Beyond Basics Physical Therapy
is now offering discounted telehealth appointments!

During this unprecedented period, we have launched telehealth services – virtual physical therapy sessions – to continue meeting the needs of our patients. We know that in these stressful times, hope and healing are more important than ever, and telehealth allows our therapists to continue their care for you in the safety and comfort of your home. Beyond Basics is fortunate to be able to reach you in this way. Offering telehealth is a way to expand our services in the long term, and we are excited about the many ways in which we can use telehealth to serve our patient community. We look forward to partnering with you in your healing and recovery. We want to be as helpful as we can, so, for a limited time, we are offering a discount for telehealth services. Please call us at 212.354.2622, text us at 212.354.2622 or email us at [email protected] for more information about discounted rates and packages and to schedule an appointment.

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of electronic communication to remotely provide health care information and services. Our telehealth sessions are one-on-one physical therapy video sessions, completed over an online platform.

Our highly trained therapists have a wide set of skills that they can implement through this platform. These skills include observation, skilled movement interventions, knowledge of appropriate self-care interventions, and moreMany of our patients have already found meaningful healing without the use of hands-on techniques. In a time that is uncertain and often scary, telehealth can provide patients with a sense of autonomy over their symptoms and help them establish a plan to take control of their physical and mental well-being.

How does Telehealth work?

– Beyond Basics has partnered with Doxy.me in order to provide telehealth services securely

   – This service does not require patients to download any software

–  Patients simply click on the link provided by their therapist (via email) on any device that has a microphone and a camera

– The appointments will be 45-60 minutes in length, your therapist can help determine the appropriate length of time for you

–  You will likely need little equipment, but in general we suggest you dress in comfortable clothing you can move easily in, have a space where you can stand and move freely, and have a space where you can lie down and complete exercises

   –  If you have them, it may be a good idea to gather: a yoga mat, a foam roller, massage balls, stretch or yoga straps, therabands, etc.

–  If you are uncertain whether telehealth can work for you, please reach out to your therapist; they will be happy to walk you through the ways in which you may benefit

How does billing work?

Most likely, your current billing will not change, as many insurances are covering telehealth physical therapy sessions. However, for some plans, reimbursement rates may be different for telehealth services. All billing will continue to be submitted by our staff.

Please contact [email protected] for further billing information and clarification.

How do I set up an appointment?

– If you are a current patient, you can either contact our front desk or let your current physical therapist know you are interested –  If you are a new patient, we are excited to meet you – please contact our front desk! – Review and return the Consent Addendum to Telehealth Services” – Look for an email from your physical therapist with a link to their virtual waiting room – To help you get the most out of your telehealth session, you can read “Optimizing Your Telehealth Experience”