Amy Stein and Fiona McMahon March Is Endometriosis Awareness Month. Treating endometriosis and improving the lives of...
We Go Above and Beyond the Basics
How to Improve Bladder Health
Fiona McMahon, DPT The bladder, not super complex right? Just a tupperware for pee, holding your urine until an...
Endometriosis Awareness Month: How Endo can Affect your Bladder
For most who have heard of endometriosis, the defining symptom is extreme and painful menstrual cycles. Bladder dysfunction and pain is not necessarily top of mind, but for many with endometriosis it can be a very disruptive facet of this disease.
Pelvic Floor Myth Busters! Does Holding in Your Pee Cause UTI’s?
Fiona McMahon PT, DPT (Pronouns: She, Her, Hers) Photo by Pixabay on I love the TV show Mythbusters, I have...
Pelvic Floor MythBusters! Don’t eat lemon to avoid bladder pain, true or false?
Photo by Pixabay on Fiona McMahon PT, DPT Hey guys! If you have bladder pain, you probably have done some...
Pelvic Health 101: Running to the Bathroom Again?
***In light of current events, and in an effort to keep our community as healthy as possible, we have moved our Pelvic...
How to Travel with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Fiona McMahon PT, DPT (She, her, hers) It’s that magical time of year in New York City, that I call “Goldie Locks...
PH101: Running to the Bathroom Again?!
Fiona McMahon PT, DPT s Bladder problems can be vexing, it may hurt for you to pee even though every test for...
PH101: Potty Issues with Kiddos
Fiona McMahon PT, DPT Did you know kids can suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction too? Pelvic floor dysfunction in...