When we think of pelvic floor physical therapy, if you do at all, you probably think of cis-gender adult women. You...
We Go Above and Beyond the Basics
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Ins and Outs of Colon Health
Pelvic floor physical therapy can help symptoms caused by the visceral somatic reflex greatly. At Beyond Basics we have an excellent crew of pelvic floor physical therapists with expertise in visceral mobilization and pelvic floor dysfunction.
Endo Awareness Month: How Endo can Affect your Tummy
Amy Stein March Is Endometriosis Awareness Month. Treating endometriosis and improving the lives of people with...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Ins and Outs of Colon Health
Fiona McMahon PT, DPT Photo by Polina Zimmerman on Pexels.com So what's IBS? IBS is a condition affecting the large...
What’s Neater Than Your Peter? Burning Urination
copyright Amy Stein 2008 Fiona McMahon PT, DPT It’s been a while since we’ve done a “What’s Neater than Your Peter”...
PH101: Why is Pooping So Difficult
Fiona McMahon, DPT ***In light of current events, and in an effort to keep our community as healthy as possible, we...
Ph101 Why is Pooping so Difficult?
Fiona McMahon, PT, DPT The number of Americans who deal with constipation issues is massive (4 million)! It seems like...
PH101: Does My Diet Really Matter?
Fiona McMahon, DPT Gluten free, soy free, low FODMAP. It’s amazing how many diets there are out there that really...
The Scoop When Kids Have Trouble with Poop
Fiona McMahon PT, DPT I spend a lot of my time at work talking about poop. In fact, poop discussions run in my family....